If you don't understand why the Left is so upset about Net Neutrality, try to empathize with them... Because most of what they've been told about Net Neutrality is a lie. They're confused and bewildered. It's not entirely their fault because they've been lied to over and over again by the thought leaders in their movement.
Case in point - Banksy is a famous painter from London. You've probably heard of him. His paintings sell for more than a million dollars and have been purchased by celebrities like Brad Pitt and Justin Bieber.
Twitter: $14.99/month Snapchat: $9.99/month Youtube: $19.99/month Netflix: $9.99/per movie Google: $1.99/per search If you don't want to pay extra for your favorite sites you need to be supporting #NetNeutrality
You're probably wondering - how does he know Twitter will charge $14.99 a month if net neutrality goes away? Or $1.99 per Google search? Or $9.99 per Netflix movie?
Well, he doesn't - he just made up all of this information. There's no evidence to prove any of this. It's fake news.
And people believed him.... 120,000 people to be exact. They took the bait - Hook, line and sinker.
The funniest thing about all of this? Banky doesn't even live in America. What does he care if the FCC deregulates the internet? This will have exactly zero immediate impact on his life. And even if what he said was true [and it's not], this guy makes millions of dollars smearing paint on a canvas. I'm pretty sure he can afford to pay $19.99 a month for YouTube.
Obviously Banksy has no idea what he's talking about - but that doesn't mean you have to be ignorant like him. Check out Reason.Com for more.