Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Tx Mayor Gets Donations From Businesses Accused of Human Traffiking: King

When he's not busy layoff firefighters and hiring poets, Houston's Mayor Sylvester Turner has found time to get very close with local "sexually oriented businesses", according to a new report from mayoral candidate Bill King.

Since taking office in 2015, Mayor Turner has been taking money from, not one, but multiple seedy local businesses.

Later today (Thursday, May 2) mayoral candidate Bill King will be holding a press conference to discuss the issue of human trafficking and Mayor Sylvester Turner's campaign donations.

According to a publicly available list of donors, Turner does appear to have received donations from many of Houston's best known topless clubs.

In 2013, before a controversial legal settlement was reached with the city, some of the businesses on the list of donors were publicly criticized by anti human trafficking advocates. The allegations suggested these businesses were exploiting underage girls, according to Fox 26.

In the end, 16 adult entertainment venues reached a settlement with the city to pay a collective $1 million annual fee to fund an anti-human trafficking unit with Houston's Police Department.

Mayor Turner has continued this deal and, apparently, also receives political donations from some of these businesses.

Could this mean Turner is taking a bribe to look the other way while local sexually oriented businesses fly under the radar? 

We don't know - this story will be updated after mayoral candidate Bill King holds his press conference.

Also, isn't this the same guy who chased robot sex brothels out of town?

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