Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Rashida Tlaib Doesn't Understand Economics: $20 an Hour Minimum Wage?!

From the world of, "I don't understand how inflation works," extremist congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) seems to think a $20 an hour minimum wage is totally reasonable.

Fox News reports:

Tlaib's comment came during remarks to the Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan and the labor rights group One Fair Wage, and were recorded by the conservative political action committee America Rising. The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a $15 federal minimum wage bill last week, but it has little chance of passing the GOP-controlled Senate.
Tlaib, referring to the federal minimum wage for those workers, said that "tipped employees make $2.13 per hour, federally."
"Think about that for one minute. People cannot live on those kind of wages, and I can't allow people to be living off tips, you know, relying on tips for wages. It's just not enough to support our families. ... By the way, when we started it, it should have been $15," she said at the event, titled "Server for an Hour."
"Now I think it should be $20 -- make sure America Rising hears that," she continued, to applause. "It should be $20 an hour -- $18 to $20 an hour at this point. ... They say all of this is going to raise the cost, but I can tell you, milk has gone up, eggs have gone up, everything has gone up. The cost of a lot of things that we need has gone up already."
In a 231-199 vote along party lines on Thursday, the House passed legislation that would increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour, more than double the current rate of $7.25. In an even more drastic increase, the bill calls for having the same minimum wage for tipped workers, raising it from $2.13 an hour.
Meanwhile, some libertarian scholars, including New York University Law School Professor Richard Epstein, have called for eliminating the minimum wage entirely, saying the market -- along with prohibitions against worker abuse -- is more efficient than the whims of politicians.

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