Rep Ilhan Omar seems to think she developed post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from watching the news.
On Wednesday the anti-American Sharia-loving US lawmaker said she feels triggered by discussions about the US-Iran conflict.
During a press conference this week the politician, who in 2016 asked a judge to grant clemency to Somali-American ISIS terrorists, said, "I feel ill a little bit, because of everything that is taking place and I think every time I hear of conversations around war, I find myself being stricken with PTSD. And I find peace knowing that I serve with great advocates for peace and people who have shown courage against war."
If true, this would be the first time anyone ever got PTSD from watching MSNBC (video below).
Despite having PTSD, Omar was still eager to laugh and smile while Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee spoke about "Casualties" of war.
It looks as though Omar thinks death and violence are hilarious.
Here's a rare video in which Sheila Jackson Lee isn't the most despicable and distasteful person standing on the stage. This almost never happens to Sheila.