How are things going at the border since Joe Biden took over?
According to NBC News, Border Patrol officials are releasing COVID infected migrants into the United States.
Joe Biden's DHS Secretary says this is not a crisis.
A new report published on Tuesday evening alleged that numerous alleged asylum-seekers that have been released into the U.S. by Border Patrol officials quickly tested positive for the coronavirus after their release.
“Miriam Izaguirre, a 35-year-old asylum-seeker from Honduras, crossed the Rio Grande at dawn Monday with her young son and turned herself in to the authorities,” NBC News reported. “A few hours later she was released, and the first thing she did was take a rapid test for Covid-19 at the Brownsville bus station. They told her her test came out positive.”
Izaguirre told Noticias Telemundo Investiga that officials “separated about eight of us because we were positive.” The report said that she was waiting to catch a bus that was headed to Houston.
The report said that other migrant families that said they tested positive for the coronavirus had been waiting to go to destinations on the East Coast, including North Carolina, Maryland, and New Jersey.
“The city of Brownsville administers these rapid tests at the bus station, after migrant families are released by the Border Patrol. A spokesperson for Brownsville confirmed that, since they began doing these tests Jan. 25, 108 migrants have tested positive for Covid-19, which is 6.3 percent of those who took the test,” NBC News reported. “In response to Noticias Telemundo Investiga, a spokesperson for the city said in an email that Brownsville does not have the authority to retain these migrants who plan to travel to dozens of cities throughout the country.”
The report said that city officials recommend to those who test positive that they quarantine themselves in accordance with CDC recommendations and they suggest to those infected that they can go to “nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and nonprofits in the border area who can take them in and isolate them in order to keep quarantine.”
Some of those who tested positive for the coronavirus told Noticias Telemundo Investiga that they were planning on leaving Brownsville for their destinations although it was unclear from the report if their departure was going to be after they quarantined or if they were not taking the advice of city officials to contact NGOs and non-profit groups to get help quarantining.
19 February 2021, Mexico, Tijuana: Dozens of migrants of Central American and Mexican origin sleep on the esplanade of the National Institute of Migration near the El Chaparral border crossing, waiting for U.S. authorities to let them enter to begin their humanitarian asylum process in this country. Following the change of direction in migration policy, the U.S. government is once again allowing asylum seekers across the border. As of Friday, the first applicants will be allowed to come to the United States for their court hearings and stay in the country for the duration of their proceedings. Photo: Stringer/dpa (Photo by Stringer/picture alliance via Getty Images)