Good news!
Remember the last several years when Democrats told us ID cards were racist?
It looks like they changed their minds.
We were told over and over again that voter ID cards are racist and discriminatory but apparently that same logic doesn't apply to vaccine passports.
New York City residents and visitors will be required to show proof of vaccination for indoor dining, gyms, and shows, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.
The mayor is calling the city's vaccine passport the "Key to NYC Pass."
"This is a miraculous place, literally filled with wonders," de Blasio said of the city. "If you’re vaccinated, that’s gonna open up to you, you can open the door. If you’re unvaccinated you will not be able to participate in many things. It’s time for people to see vaccination as necessary to living a good, full, and healthy life."
De Blasio said New York City is the first in the nation to take this approach. It will launch Aug. 16 and be enforced starting Sept. 13.
But wait, I thought ID cards were racist? The Vice President, Kamala Harris, has told us over and over again that black people don't have ID cards and requiring ID cards is discriminatory to person of color.
Heck, the Texas Democrats are currently boycotting their jobs as they vacation in Washington DC (and Europe) to make the very point that ID cards are discriminatory. Why did liberals in NYC suddenly change their minds?
Photo: Getty Images North America
NEW YORK, NY - August 03: New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio presents a proclamation at the 46th Precincts National Night Out on August 3, 2021 in the Bronx borough of New York City. National Night Out an annual community-building campaign established in 1970 is intended to promote police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. (Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)