
Helpful to All: Boys & Girls Club of Greater Houston


Kevin Hattery is the president and CEO of Boys & Girls Club of Greater Houston (aka BGCGH), one of our great non-profits that never let up helping the community. When the pandemic struck, they kicked into high gear so kids in Houston could keep up with their schoolwork and stay in contact with their peers ā€“ which was perhaps what was most important. With a remarkably small army of volunteers,Boys & Girls Club of Greater Houston distributed tens of thousands of meals to thankful families and they continue to help. We also discuss the great help they've been getting from our Houston corporations like Kroger, BP and Comcast. They made big grants to BGCGH and individuals like you and me can also sponsor a kid to attend their entire summer program by donating just $30. Go to www.bgcgh.org for more information on this awesome Org.

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