ANTIFA Attacks NBC News Reporter In Charlottesville

On the one-year anniversary of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia (where one counter-protester and a state trooper were both left dead) masked Antifa members joined what was supposed to be a peaceful rally

Not surprisingly, a group of Antifa extremists attacked NBC News reporter Cal Perry.  Cal was attempting to cover the demonstration and provide the extremists with the media attention they so desperately craved, so naturally they tried to punish him.

An NBC cameraman was punched.  There's video footage to document the occasion (see below). 

Strangely, NBC gave little to no coverage of the incident on their network.

These rallies were supposed to be a response to white supremacists but ended up being more of an anti-cop demonstration as Antifa members chanted things like "All cops are racist" and "last year they came with torches, this year they come with badges."

Apparently there was also an incident where Antifa members tried to block a local ABC News crew from filming them, but the theatrics weren't as dramatic as the NBC News incident.

Here's some of the anti-cop rhetoric from the Antifa rally this weekend.I thought they were trying to stop the alt right?  Why are they upset at cops?  Oh yeah, they hate everything.  Nevermind.  

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