Legal Marijuana Spreads Across the South... Except in Texas

Earlier today a report released by Fox News claimed people are applying for medical marijuana dispensary licenses in Oklahoma at a rapid pace.  Currently the ratio of legal weed dispensary licenses to consumers in Oklahoma is 12 to 1.  Dang, that's a lotta legal pot! 

Meanwhile, legal weed is popping up all over Louisiana too!  A new medical marijuana clinic is opening in the Bosier City Shreveport area and it's not alone.  Dr.  Chad Rossitter, an internal medicine doctor from the Acadiana area, is  gonna be dolling out marijuana prescriptions left and right.  

But Louisiana and Oklahoma aren't alone - don't forget about Arkansas and New Mexico!  Both of these places are now destinations for medical marijuana consumers.  

With all this legal weed popping up around the middle South region of the country, one has to wonder......WHY NOT TEXAS?!   Are we not liberty-minded enough to legalize a plant?  I mean, the answer should be obvious, right!?  Will legal weed in Texas become the casinos of the last 20 years?  Will everyone have it but us?  Why do Texas lawmakers insist on living in the dark ages on this issue?

Unfortunately, we don't have a good answer to these questions.   Your move, Texas Republicans.  

American country singer Willie Nelson takes a drag off a joint while relaxing at his home in Texas, 2000s. A large amount of marijuana is spread out on the table before him (Photo by Liaison/Getty Images)

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