GENIUS: Dude Spray-paints Penises on Potholes So Town Will Fix Them

Gotta admit, this is was pretty brilliant.

A guy in England was sick and tired of all the potholes in his town, so he drove around spray painting penises over them.

Instantly the city decided to fix the problem!

Can we try this trick with Houston's Mayor Turner?! He's never fixed any potholes and he actually campaigned on a promise that he would.

DC101 reports:

Residents of a town in northeast England were fed up with the increasing number of potholes littering the streets and the town's lack of activity in repairing them.
One person took matters into his own hands, highlighting the potholes in the roads by spray-painting penises on them in hopes the town would be forced to fill the potholes.
The town council of Middlesbrough, who say they were already repairing potholes in the area, re-routed their planned schedule to fill the penis-potholes and remove the graffiti.
The man who claims to have spray-painted the penises around the potholes after being inspired by a man who dubbed himself "Wanksy," a play on the popular street artist Banksy. "Wanksy" was successful in getting a bunch of potholes filled quickly after he pulled a similar stunt in Manchester.
He said was prompted to draw the penises after several of his cyclist friends were injured because of the potholes.
He said, "I wanted to draw attention to the pothole and make it memorable. Nothing seemed to do this better than a giant comedy phallus. I don't want to be in the road for a long time."

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