Watch - Gillette Ad Shows Dad Teaching Transgender Son to Shave (video)

Earlier this year Gillette released an ad shaming all men for being "Toxic". 

Now Gillette is back with a new super woke ad that features a dad teaching his transgender son to shave. It's your classic depiction of a young "man" shaving for the first time, but in this case the young man was born a young woman. Gillette is specifically marketing to less than 1% of people who purchase shaving products.

Samson Brown, the transgender boy in the commercial, says, "I’m at the point in my manhood where I’m actually happy. It’s not just myself transitioning, it’s everybody around me transitioning."

Under the ad on the company's Facebook page, Samson commented, "Thank you so much Gillette. I look forward to the great things you’re going to continue doing to encourage us all to be our best selves."

Gillette responded by saying, "Thank you for sharing your story, Samson! We’re honored to showcase this special moment between you and your father and are proud to have you as a partner. Thank you for your courage and confidence in sharing your journey to becoming your best self!"

Back in January Gillette made headlines for a controversial ad which suggested men were "toxic" and needed to behave better. But Gillette's new ad says women can be men too. Does that mean transgender men are also "toxic"?  In their efforts to virtue signal, Gillette seems to have forgotten what kind of message they're trying to display.

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