Louisiana: Border Patrol Arrests More Illegal Aliens Using Fake Documents

It happened again - this time in St. Rose, Louisiana, just outside of New Orleans.

The Democrat party still doesn't care about fixing this problem.

The Loyola Maroon reports:

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, New Orleans agents arrested 15 immigrants who were suspected of using fake social security cards and driver’s licenses at the Gulf Coast Safety Council training facility on Aug. 14.
“These arrests represent a beautiful example of Department of Homeland Security components working together to ensure national security,” USBP New Orleans Sector Chief Gregory Bovino said.
Of the suspects arrested, 14 are Mexican and one is Nicaraguan. One of the workers is also a minor.
Susan Weishar, the Migration Specialist at the Jesuit Social Research Institute was displeased at hearing the news of the arrests.
“It’s definitely a problematic development,” she said.
Bonvio claims that fake documents in the hands of undocumented immigrants can be harmful for Americans.
“The damage stemming from illegal aliens fraudulently using social security numbers can cause serious problems for United States citizens well into the future, including tax issues and poor credit ratings,” Bovino said.
The 14 adults are being held in the St. Tammany Parish jail while they wait for possible federal prosecution, and the minor has already been processed for removal from the United States and has been turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
The state holds 10,786 undocumented immigrants, the second most in the country behind Texas.

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