Joe Biden: I Come Out of the Black Community

"I grew up a poor black child."

Remember Steve Martin's character from The Jerk? That's Joe Biden, a politician who just told the world he grew up a poor black child.

Last night there was a Democrat primary debate. Don't feel bad if you missed it - everyone else missed it too. This debate went so unnoticed it may as well not have happened.

Anyway, at the debate there was a bizarre moment when former VP 'Shotgun' Joe Biden informed the audience he comes from the black community (really?? yep.) and he has the support of the only African-American women to ever be elected to the Senate. He was referring to Carol Mosley-Braun of Illinois.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) was standing on stage at the time and she was eager to disagree with Biden, making the point that she technically qualifies as being African-American (even though she's actually half Jamaican & half Indian) and she doesn't support Biden's run for POTUS.

Who's pandering harder? The women who lied about smoking weed and listening to Tupac or the old white man who claims to be from the African-American community?

By the way - Joe Biden and Kamala had this peculiar exchange right after Joe Biden flip flopped on his position from earlier this week that he does not support legalizing marijuana because it's a "gateway drug".

As ridiculous as this public display of ridiculousness was, there is good news: none of these people will ever be President.

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