Biden's Top Legislative Priority: Allow Transgenders in High School Sports

Bernie Sanders is currently beating Joe Biden in Iowa. While other candidates still remain in the race, it's become obvious that either Joe & Bernie will be the Democrat nominee this November. Considering the popularity of these two candidates among Democrat voters, it should come as no surprise to anyone that there's tension brewing over an absurd controversy.

After comedian and podcaster Joe Rogan endorsed Bernie, Joe Biden is going all in on transgender rights. Joe Rogan is a critic of transgender females competing against biological females in school sports and Biden is trying to score points off Bernie because he knows people on the far left are really sensitive over silly issues.

Biden says requiring schools to include transgender females on girls’ sports teams will be his top legislative priority.

I repeat... Top. Legislative. Priority.

On Saturday Biden said "there is no room for compromise" on transgender issues, which are the "civil rights issue of our time."

While transgender females have recently been seen (and winning) in women's sporting events all over the country, there are very few examples of transgenders competing in male sports. When transgender women compete against biological women, they overwhelmingly dominate their competition. Transgender men, by comparison, are generally not fast or strong enough to compete against transgender men.

Daily Caller reports:

Two biologically male runners in Connecticut have dominated girls’ high school track in the liberal state, which allows athletes to compete as the gender with which they identify.
Franklin Pierce University runner CeCe Telfer, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, won an NCAA DII national championship in women’s track and field in May 2019. Telfer previously competed on the university’s men’s team.
A biologically male runner at the University of Montana was named the Big Sky Conference’s cross-country female athlete of the week in October 2019.
Also in October, biologically male cyclist Rachel McKinnon won a women’s world championship and set a world record at the 2019 Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester, England.

Bernie is facing backlash because Joe Rogan endorsed him, but Joe's position on transgenders competing in female sports is pretty reasonable when you look at the evidence. Biological males are physically superior to biological women. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

Biden Addresses Human Rights Campaign Spring Equality Convention

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 06: U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden addresses the Spring Equality Convention of Human Rights Campaign (HRC) March 6, 2015 in Washington, DC. Vice President Biden delivered remarks to the members of the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization at the convention. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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