Watch: Biden & Warren Were Both Humiliated By Pranksters (video)

Over the weekend Democrat presidential candidates Joe Biden & Elizabeth Warren were both pranked by comedians at events in Iowa.

Joe Biden was at a town hall in North Liberty, Iowa when things took a turn for the worst.

Mediaite reports:

“Mr. Vice President, my wife recently left me, she is divorcing me, what can I do to get her back?” said the young man, who turned out to be Jason Selvig of the comedy duo The Good Liars.
“What advice could you give somebody like me to get her back?” Selvig asked.
“I’ll talk to you afterwards okay?” Biden said, adding “I’m happy to, I promise I’ll talk to you afterwards, all right?”
“Well, could we just get this out right now because we’re, you know we’re live,” Selvig said.
“No, no we’re live,” Biden said, then cracked “I’m beginning to see why your wife left you.”
As the crowd laughed, Biden said “Come on man,” and when Selwig persisted, said “Sir, I promise you I’ll spend time with you afterwards, I promise you I will, okay? Thank you.”
Several minutes later, a man who turned out to be Davram Stiefler — the other allegedly Good Liar — stood up and said “Mr. Vice President I just want to say you’re a fine candidate and I’m planning on settling for Biden in 2020.”
As the crowd jeered at him to “Sit down,” Stiefler added “I think you could also, for Biden, and be the Hillary of 2020.”
As the crowd chanted Let’s go Joe” and the man left, Biden laughed and said “I’ll tell you man, I thought they were exaggerating when they said, the Republicans said they were sending out 80 people to participate in the Democratic caucus here. Well I’m not sure who he’s with, but hey by the way, give us back your Joe shirt, okay?”
The man’s shirt said “Settle for Biden.”

Not to be outdone, Elizabeth Warren also had a bizarre weekend with the same comedians in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Dailywire reports:

Jason Selvig of the comedy duo The Good Liars suddenly stepped onto the stage. Warren was slightly taken aback, but then Selvig dropped to his knee and pulled out a small ring box.
After a few uncomfortable seconds, Selvig said, “Will you be my candidate for president? Will you marry me?”
A relieved Warren laughed and said, “Yes, I will be your candidate for president.” She then gave the prankster a big hug.
The prank went on. “Do you have this for someone else?” Warren asked about the ring.
Selvig then introduced Warren to his partner, Davram Stiefler, whom he called “Dale.” Dale, he said, was involuntarily celibate.
“My friend Dale, where’s my friend Dale? There he is. He’s an incel, and he just wanted to say his first words to a woman in a long time.”
“Hi Elizabeth!” Stiefler shouted.
“Hi Dale!” Warren said.
“It’s the first time he’s ever spoken to a woman,” Selvig said.
“It’s, it’s, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you’re here Dale, and I’m hanging on to the ring,” Warren said. “So I will be your candidate. Yes. All right, thank you. Take care, take care guys,” she said as Selvig left the stage.
“You know, it’s always exciting to be in Iowa,” Warren said. And pointing to her husband, she said, “Bruce, you OK with this, sweetheart? OK, good.”

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