Update: NY Times Journalist Says It’s Racist To Mock Her Bad Math

Remember the lady from MSNBC who couldn't do math?

Well, she thinks you're racist.

Yes, you.

Syracuse reports:

The former “NBC Nightly News” host and a guest, The New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay, were discussing a tweet posted Tuesday about former Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s campaign spending. The billionaire spent $500 million on advertising before dropping out of the 2020 race this week, money that some have argued could have been spent elsewhere.
“Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The U.S. population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over, I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing for people. Yet he wasted it all on ads and STILL LOST," Williams read, quoting a Twitter user’s post.
Williams and Gay did not accurately fact-check the math, however. $500 million divided evenly between 327 million people would be approximately $1.53 for each person.

Now Mara Gay says anyone who criticizes her is racist... Racist? Yep, racist.

Does that mean it's also racist to criticize Brian Williams for making the same mistake?

The answer is unknown.

“A racist Twitter mob came for me over a trivial math mistake. I’m not going anywhere,” Mara Gay tweeted on Wednesday, the same day The Times published her op-ed responding to the controversy.

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