Watch - Biden Forgets Where the Camera is During Virtual Townhall

Is Joe Biden losing his mind?

Fox News reports:

Joe Biden's first "virtual town hall" was marred with technical gaffes and confusion, and ended after only five minutes.
The former vice president had to cancel his Friday rally in Chicago over coronavirus concerns, and his campaign sought to connect with Illinois voters online instead.
The event was broadcast live on Facebook and conducted with Zoom, a business videoconferencing app. It got off to a confusing start with the presidential hopeful starting his remarks before the camera started recording.
As he prepared to take a phone question from "Maureen" the line went dead.
"You there?" Biden asked.
At another point, Biden answered a question on endangered species by turning away from the camera and walking off the screen.
Less than five minutes in, the town hall abruptly ended, and Biden and his aide apologized for the problems.

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