Warning! Beware of Scammers: CDC is Not Going Door-To-Door Doing Tests

Reports indicate criminals are taking advantage of the coronavirus scare to prey on the elderly and ignorant.

Emily Cutts reports:

No government agency will come to your home for any sort of COVID-19 testing, the Olmsted County Sheriff's Office stated on its Facebook page Tuesday, following a report of a scam in the county.
The Facebook post stated that a county resident reported that someone had come to their door asking to come inside to test a few surfaces for COVID-19.
"The Olmsted County resident stated that a black female between the ages of 35 and 40 came up to their door, wearing a reddish pantsuit and carrying a large handbag of some kind. She asked about coming inside to test a few surfaces for the Coronavirus (COVID-19)," the post read. "The homeowner recognized that the visit was a scam immediately and did not allow the individual into their home. The scammer then left in a burgundy Buick SUV." 
If you suspect a scam or some other bogus visit, or if you receive unwanted contact that seems suspicious, you should call local law enforcement.

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