Watch: Chicago Residents Cited For Stripper Party & Not Social Distancing

A group of Chicago residents have been cited for throwing a crazy stripper party and not social distancing over the weekend.

TMZ reports:

Forget the thirst trap -- this packed house party in Chicago featuring a stripper is more like a potential coronavirus trap with all the guests blatantly ignoring quarantine guidelines.
It turns out there was even more reckless behavior going down in Chi-Town over the weekend -- this party seemed to have several dozen guests swarming around a stripper wearing a top, but nothing down below. The partygoers, packed in shoulder-to-shoulder, made it rain on her and even got a little handsy.
That might be great for her bottom line, but not so great for health. The video shows no one was thinking a thing about COVID-19, face coverings or maintaining six feet between each other.
This is clearly a trend -- as we reported, another Windy City house party had more than 1,000 guests... even as the city struggles to flatten the curve, and combat the disproportionate COVID-19 mortality rate in the black community.

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