Peak Irony: Antifa Wants Government to Extend the Lock Down (No, Really)

We're beginning to think the "Anti-fascism" group doesn't know what "Fascism" means.

This is peak irony right here: over the weekend a group of "Antifa" activists, the so-called anti-fascist movement, held a protest in Germany to encourage the government to extend the mandatory lock down and punish anyone who leaves their homes.

Wait a second... they want people to be confined to their homes or risk being punished by the government? Doesn't that sound like it's the exact definition of fascism?!

Collin Jones reports:

Police deployed water cannons on Saturday in an effort to break up an antifa demonstration that was disrupting an anti-lockdown rally in Hamburg, Germany.
The authorities were called to action after 120 antifa counter-protesters, dressed in black hoodies, consistently ignored requests to steer clear of the "Vigil for the Basic Law" rally against the lockdown measures.
The initial lockdown protest featured those who insisted that the government reopen the economy. This group was given the go-ahead to move forward with their event after the organizers agreed to keep the limit of attendees below 750 as opposed to the thousands who would usually be allowed to show up if not for social distancing measures installed due to the pandemic.
The protestors who were permitted to be out were obeying social distancing protocols, and asking that the government make testing more available as opposed to keeping everyone quarantined.
But it did not take long before antifa counter-protesters took to the streets to ironically side of the government against those who simply want to get back to work.

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