Netflix "Sorry" For Perverted Movie Poster But Still Plans Release of Film

Is Netflix trying to normalize pedophilia?

Earlier this week reasonable people all over the free world were quick to point out that the movie poster for Netflix's 'Cuties' looks an awful lot like sexual exploitation of children.

Cuties is a movie about 11-year-old girls on a "Twerk" team who feud with their parents for the right to participate on a sexually graphic dance team.

The movie poster featured pre-teen girls in suggestive poses that would probably make the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders blush.

Now Netflix has issued an apology and promised to change the movie poster, but they haven't canceled the release of the film. reports:

Content streaming platform Netflix, on August 20, issued an apology for “inappropriately” promoting the release of French drama “Cuties”, directed by filmmaker Maïmouna Doucouré.
Netflix has also taken down the promotional image, which drew the ire of many, for showing young girls sporting skimpy outfit and sexualising pre-teen girls.
According to a BBC report, a petition backed by 25,000 persons within a day claimed the film that is set for launch on September 9 “sexualizes an 11-year-old for the viewing pleasure of pedophiles”.

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