According to the New York Post, Florida Instagram model and OnlyFans star Ansley Pacheco grabbed her gun and fought back when masked intruders stormed into her home earlier this month. The 26-year-old mom was only wearing a pajama top and a thong when she heard the commotion. She was in the bathroom and her husband, 7-year-old son, and guests were watching the NBA finals. Pacheco described her experience as follows:
“While I was in the bathroom, I started to hear the commotion, I started hearing, ‘Get down, get down, give me everything you got!’”
“I went to the nightstand; I grabbed the gun and I opened the door. I saw one of the guys face to face with me. He told me to put my gun down. I just shook my head no, and then I said, ‘Don’t shoot me, my son is in here.’”
The intruders fled the scene after a tussle and some gunshots, but no one was injured. The incident was caught on surveillance video. Check out the New York Post link above for the uncensored version.
Photo: Getty Images