Absurd Overreaction to Louisiana Teen's Hilarious Highschool Senior Prank

A group of harmless high school seniors from Southeast Louisiana flew a Trump flag up the school flagpole and now the NAACP is involved.

How ridiculous is that?!

Paul Dudley reports:

Politics on the campus of Belle Chasse high school has school board members crafting a new lesson plan on how to handle it after a senior prank caused backlash from the community.
That recent senior prank came with a political message that’s now at the center of a debate in Plaquemines Parish. A photo shows Belle Chasse High School students posing on campus with an American flag and a Trump flag. The words “liberals suck” are written on the sidewalk. There’s also video of a Trump flag on a flagpole on the side of the school.
“This was demeaning,” said Plaquemines Parish School Board president Darilyn Turner.
She said once she became aware of what happened, there was an investigation, which has now turned into redoing the policy for politics on campus.
“My hope is that we can pass policies that we can effect change that this will never happen again,” said Turner.
Never happening again is one thing, but Tracy Riley, President of the Plaquemines Parish NAACP says accountability needs to happen now.

Why is the NAACP involved? How is this a race related incident? They flew a Trump flag - it's not a race issue, people. Millions of black people voted for Trump.

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