Insane Portland drivers argue with swords and guns

No matter how strange things get where you live just be grateful you don't live in Portland.

A Portland road rage incident escalated sharply when one driver realized he had brought a sword to a gunfight.
The video, caught on Twitter, shows one driver approaching the other with a sword ready to strike. The second driver gets out of his car and tells the first drive to leave, at which point the second drive goes into his trunk and retrieves what appears to be an assault rifle.
As soon as the user recording the video saw the gun, he stopped recording.
The type of gun is not known, but social media users speculated that the gun may be an AK-15, according to The Daily Mail.
The end of the encounter is unknown, but it did not appear to rise to the point of criminal action as the Portland Police Department told Fox News that it had no record of any such incident on file.
Portland has seen its most violent year, with a record number of 72 homicides, surpassing its previous full-year record of 66 in 1987. Nationally, homicides increased by nearly 30% from 2019 to 2020, based on FBI data. In Portland, deadly violence increased at a faster rate than nearly all major cities, with an 83% increase in homicides in 2020.

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