Shreveport public school teacher enjoys confusing kids over gender issues

Remember all those bizarre news stories about public school teachers exposing young children to trans political causes? Its even

An elementary school teacher wrote on Facebook that seeing children confused about their teacher’s gender is enjoyable, according to a report.
Blaine Banghart teaches music at University Elementary School in Shreveport, Louisiana, and goes by MX instead of Mr. or Ms.
“The kids are all confused and asking why I have a mustache if I’m a girl, if I’m Mr. Banghart now, why am I trying to look like a boy, etc.,” Banghart wrote, according to Fox News. “I’m just ignoring these questions/redirecting, so I don’t get in trouble.”
“Though some of the reactions are hurtful (I’m not mad- they’re kids and don’t mean harm), I’m mostly just enjoying all the confusion about ‘what’ I am. Wondering what they’re going to do when I have the mustache AND a skirt later this week lol,” Banghart added.
The teacher came under scrutiny earlier this year when parents spoke about Banghart’s actions and apparel in March at a school board meeting. Banghart had previously posted a TikTok video talking about not being able to be openly trans nonbinary while working, according to the Shreveport Times.
“Do not come up in my comments saying I am because I’m not. I live in Louisiana and it sucks here,” Banghart reportedly said.
The situation is just one out of many that have been reported as parents across the country experience activist teachers pushing their own beliefs about gender and sexuality on young students. Many times, this is hidden from a child’s parents.
In Minneapolis, a teacher posted a survey on her website that she has used with students.
“These are all resources that I use or have used at the beginning of the school year. Please enjoy,” Mandi Jung, the science teacher, said.
The survey included questions like, “What name should I use when speaking to your parents?” and “What pronouns should we use when we talk about you? (CHOOSE AS MANY AS YOU WANT).”
“Is it okay to use the pronouns you selected above when we talk to your parents?” read another question.
“That we live in a country where schools are actively pushing kids to change their gender and hide it from their parents is something I never thought I would face as a parent,” Kimberly S. Hermann of the Southeastern Legal Foundation told Fox News.

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