Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Diamond & Silk argue w/ Rep Sheila Jackson Lee about how calendars work

Today YouTube darlings Diamond and Silk squared off with Houston's own Sheila Jackson Lee in what could only be described as a Congressional argument I've been waiting my whole life to hear. 

There was a hearing on Capitol Hill today regarding Facebook's alleged attempts to discriminate against conservatives like Diamond & Silk.  

The Texas Democrat kept asking the popular pro-Trump social media stars if they had ever been paid by the Trump campaign.

They each replied ā€œnever.ā€

Jackson Lee asked again if the figure, ā€œ$1,274.94,ā€ meant anything, to which the ladies again responded they had never been paid by the Trump campaign.

They now claim it was a reimbursement for travel expenses, not a payment.

Either way, $1,274.94 isn't exactly a whopping amount of money and they could easily be telling the truth.  I have no idea.  

But the video of this whole exchange is not to be missed - they basically had an argument about how calendars work. 

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