Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


When Equality Doesn't Mean Equal: Gender Waxing Controversy

There's bill currently sitting in limbo between the House and Senate--The Equality Act. It passed the House in May with UNANIMOUS Democrat support.

Equality Bill sounds nice, doesn't it. Everything should be equal, that's only fair, right?

Except, this bill doesn't exactly do that.

The Equality Act, taking some language from our neighbors to the north, would make “gender identity” a protected category under federal anti-discrimination laws, as it is in Canada. The bill’s text specifically states that beauty salons would be affected under the law.

This means that men who want to wear dresses and make-up could go to their local salons for all sorts of waxing treatments (including the Brazilian)--and the workers there would be required to wax the male genitalia.

From The Daily Caller:

“The Equality Act, by adding ‘gender identity’ as a protected classification in federal civil rights law, could be used by activists to legally harass women who do not want to wax male private parts—regardless of whether those male private parts are attached to people who ‘identity’ as men or women,” Ryan Anderson, a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

And this is exactly what's happening in Canada.

Jessica (neé Jonathan) Yaniv has filed a dozen harassment lawsuits against women's waxing salons in Vancouver alleging discrimination on the basis on gender identity.  

You seem, Ms Yaniv hasn't had the full surgery (nothing's chopped off, it's more that it's split in two and folded in on itself), but still wanted her junk waxed. Because nothing says ready for bikini season than a 350 lb, scooter riding, activist with a smooth set of ....

Her 12 lawsuits are currently being adjudicated by a tribal council in Vancouver.  

Ms. Yaniv describes her struggle, thusly:

“This is not about waxing. This is about businesses and individuals using their religion and culture to refuse service to protected groups because -they- don’t agree with it or the person and use that to illegally discriminate contrary to the [British Columbia] Human Rights Code and the [Canadian Human Rights Code],” Yaniv wrote in a July 18 tweet defending the complaints.

Boy, that sounds a lot like "Bake The Cake", doesn't it?

Ms. Yaniv fails to mention that waxing male genitalia requires a different level of certification than the average immigrant-owned women's waxing salon employee has to attain. But since she thinks she's a woman, her magical thinking has transformed said genitalia (except it hasn't). So, she's putting women out of business.

And we could see more of this if the Democrats get there way--in fact all 153 Democrat candidates for president have said that full passage of this bill is a Top Priority.

One thing that will happen if the Equality Act is made federal law, is that all of the rules for women's athletics will be changed. The Equality Act forces schools at all levels to allow transgendered individuals to compete on the teams that they think they belong on.  

Like we've seen in Connecticut high school athletics, males who identify as females, are winning all the races. Like we've seen in Texas high school wrestling--the transwoman beat all the real girls. Like we've seen in collegiate athletics, a man who identify as woman wins a national championship.  

On second thought, this might not be too bad. Perhaps now the WNBA and Women's Soccer will get better.

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