Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Fake Hate Crime: No, "White Boys" Didn't Cut Off This Girl's Dreadlocks

You may have heard Vice President Mike Pence's wife works at a school where a black girl was recently forcibly held down by a group of white kids while they cut her dreadlocks off.

You heard a lie.

SummitNews reports:

After a 12-year-old African-American girl admitted she lied about a group of white boys cutting off her dreadlocks, the New York Times decided to strip the fact that the accused were “white” from its follow up headline.

The global mainstream media, as well as lawmakers like Rashida Tlaib, amplified Amari Allen’s falsehood after she claimed that three white male classmates had pinned her down, called her “nappy” and “ugly” and cut her hair.

This prompted a wave of sympathy for Allen, a lucrative GoFundMe, and a volley of resentment towards young white men.

In the vast majority of these media reports, the fact that the boys were white was included in the headline.

It subsequently emerged that Allen had faked the entire story, with her grandparents today apologizing to those falsely accused.

However, in the media reports that carried the update to the story, the fact that the entire narrative was predicated on the incident being a racist hate crime was stripped from the story.

In its initial report on the issue, the New York Times headline read ‘Black Virginia Girl Says White Classmates Cut Her Dreadlocks on Playground’.

However, in the follow up story, the headline read ‘Virginia Girl Recants Story of Boys Cutting Off Her Dreadlocks’.

The media seems very keen to obscure the fact that they helped inflate yet another race hate hoax that turned out to be nothing but hot air.

“The most noteworthy part of this story is this girl allegedly getting a bit of her hair cut off made international news while the murder of John Weed was ignored,”comments Chris Menahan.

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