Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Texas A&M Professor Says He's Happy Republicans Got COVID

Meet Texas A&M professor Filipe Castro.

If you're a Republican, he doesn't seem to like you.

Originally from Portugal, Filipe is now an anthropology instructor at a publicly funded university in College Station, Texas.

Despite having a large portion of his paycheck provided to him by Texas state taxpayers, he's not a big fan of the choices his fellow state citizens have made. More specifically, he really seems to dislike Republicans like Rep. Louie Gohmert.

Campus Reform reports:

A Texas A&M University professor celebrated on his personal Facebook page that conservative leaders have tested positive for and have died from coronavirus, even expressing hope that President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence contract the virus as well.
Texas A&M anthropology professor Filipe Castro wrote the posts, which expressed distaste for the Trump administration and other Republicans.
“We have a moron as president and everyday [sic] he paints the walls of the Oval Office with his own shit, and the republicans- including Lying Ted [Cruz] and [John] Corny Cornyn- clean the walls and the carpet, wipe the drool of [sic] his mouth, and pretend that he is normal," the professor wrote.
Castro referred to Trump's senior advisor Stephen Miller, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, advocating to "lock them in some institution where we don't have to be confronted with their vulgarity and their stupidity."
In reference to Tesla founder Elon Musk, Castro said “we must build that guillotine.” In an earlier post, the professor responded to a tweet from Musk, who he called a "parasite," with “we will come for you, Elon, with a spray for pubic lice.”
Castro also referred to Trump as a "fat klansman,” Melania Trump as “bought from a catalog” and Trump administration officials as “savages and misfits all physically deformed and resentful of their deformities.”
“I always though [sic] that this was going to have a normal end, with trump having a heart attack on top of his daughter and crushing her with his fat, and Kushner having to try to resuscitate her (for the money) from drawing in trump’s vomit of Pepsi and half-chewed chicken nuggets, swallowed in big chucks…,” Castro continued in the same post.
In the midst of COVID-19, the professor said it was “good news” that Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) contracted the virus.
Following the death of former Republican presidential candidate and conservative businessman Herman Cain from coronavirus, Castro said, “Covid kills the poor. It also kills some stupid, like Herman Cain, but mostly kills the poor.”
“In the last 59 years I thought that desiring other people’s death was a horrible thing, but president trump showed me how wrong I was. :) Now I am like: I hope this is true, and that [Brazilian President Jair] Bolsonaro dies, but that its [sic] takes a month, and that Trump and Pence get it too,” Castro said.

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